ÜRÜN KODU: YT 801/805/811
Technical features
- Unbalanced
- Single spring
- Bi-directional
- Elastomer diaphragm
- Machined head version available as YT805
- Two types of locking collar available as LC1 and LC2
Operating limits
- d1 = 12 – 100 mm, 0.500” – 4.000”
- p1 = 2.0 MPa
- t = -35 – 160 °C
- vg = 20 m/s
• Rotary faces: carbon graphite, silicon carbide, tungsten carbide • Stationary seats: alumina ceramic, silicon carbide, tungsten carbide • Bellows, secondary seals: CR, EPDM, FPM, FEPM, HNBR, NBR • Springs, other matel components: AISI 304, 316
Stationary seats
• YT801/805: OS1 (standard), CS2 • YT811: CS3 (standard), CS2, CS1 • see page 47 for other cup mounted and O-ring mounted seats

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